
CALENDAR 2023 - Waihi Events: to go on to North Cluster events.



Organised by Central school and held at Waihi College in association with Waihi Swimming Club. 1


Cross Country:

Organised by East School. Held at Morgan Park.


Athletics: Organised by Waihi Beach School, held at Waihi College.

Tapuwae: Organised by Waihi Central School

CALENDAR 2023 - Inter-School Sports: Waihi Schools


Rippa Rugby: Organised by East School, (Neroli) 3.30pm to 5.00pm (7 on field)


Basketball: Organised by Logan Phillips. For year 5-6 at Waihi Events Center. During school


Football: Years 1-2 at Beach School, in school time. Organised by Beach School in School time. 


 Soccer: Years 5-6 at Waihi College, 

Organised by Keith/Jo Derham, Gary/Diana Choat.

TERM 4: 

Touch (Organised by Waihi Touch Assoc.)




Netball Poitarawhiti

Played in Term 2

Parent volunteers are very welcome, contact Whaea Lisa for specific details.  Appropriate footwear is a must. Games are usually on a Tuesday after school & parents/caregivers need to transport their tamariki to the games.  Waihi Netball Centre have a facebook page which is an excellent way to keep up to date during the netball season.  

Or visit their website

Basketball  Poitukohu

Played in term 2 & 3  

Basketball for Years 3/4 will be played on Thursdays after lunch at the Waihi Events Center. This will involve two teams, managed by Whaea Erika and Ms. Martin. Transport will be provided by Central School.

Soccer Whutupōro

Played in Term 2 Juniors 

Juniors play during school hours at Waihi Beach School and are transported to and from location in the school van by the supervising teacher. 

Played in Term 3 Seniors

Senior soccer for Years 5/6 will commence in Week 2 and will be played every Friday after school between 3.30 & 5.00 pm.  Parents/caregivers will need to transport their tamariki to the games.

Softball Poiuka

Played in term 4 

This is a friendly after school game, all are welcome.  Watch this space for more details


Played in term 4 

Usually played by years 4 and up. There is an inter-school tournament  for which our tamariki prepare for during the early weeks of  term 4.  Held here at Waihi Central during school hours.

Swimming Kaunga

Swimming is in Term 1 

Our Tamariki have daily swim classes during the summer. Start & finish time depend on the seasons temperatures but generally this is all of Term one. Each class has a swim plan to increase students swimming abilities & confidence.  They also learn safety and hygiene  in & around the pool & respect for others.