Price List

Yearly School Donations.

There are no yearly school donations required at Waihi Central. 


The stationery pack is around $30. This is provided by the school at the start of every year or when your child begins school.  Invoices are sent out twice a term.  We do not make any profit from these.  The image above is  an example of what can be in the pack, this varies depending on the class.


The bus fee is $20 per student per term. See the "Before and After School" page for more details

Sports teams

Team sports fees are varied. 


Along with our new logo, we have a new uniform too. 

The new uniform is a Winter Hoodie and a Polo Shirt..  All students will be expected to wear black or navy shorts, trousers or a skirt. They must be COMPLETELY black with no other colours or Logos on them. 

See "Uniforms" under the "about us" tab for more details.

School Photos

School photos are taken by Photolife in term 2.  Details will be sent home leading up to the day in order for you to plan and make arrangements for photo options. e.g. Sibling, individual.  -  Prices vary. 

After School Care

This is available through the organization "The Drop Zone" find on Facebook for more information 

School Camp

Year 5 & 6  School camps are in Term 4. There is a cost to the family but it is offset with annual fundraising. 

Lunch / Breakfast club

Thanks to the  Board of Trustees, Ministry of Education and Sanitarium there is no charge to any student for their meals.

Duffy Books

Every term your child will bring home books that they have selected from a range supplied by Duffy books. These are theirs to keep at no charge thanks to Duffy Books in Schools and the Board of Trustees